Sophia Bush Says 2023 'Humbled' And 'Broke' Her

 人参与 | 时间:2024-04-29 23:38:46
The actor, who filed for divorce from Grant Hughes in August, discussed getting back into a relationship with herself in an Instagram post.
Kimberley Richards
By Kimberley Richards

For Sophia Bush, 2023 taught her some tough lessons about what she doesn’t want her life to look like anymore.

On Tuesday, the actor shared an image of herself on Instagram accompanied by a lengthy caption discussing the ups and downs of her 2023, writing, “What a year.”


“This past year humbled me, broke me, built me, betrayed me, freed me, and showed me what it means to really be alive,” Bush said. “No more playing small. No more turning my back on myself. No more settling for what falls short because ‘who am I to ask for more?’ This year put me back in my body.”

She said that 2023 taught her to listen to herself and to “not care about optics and instead invest in honesty,” and how that led her to leave some relationships behind.

“It took me out of relationship with many of you but put me back into relationship with myself,” she said.

Sophia Bush, here at Global Citizen Festival 2023 in New York City, said the past year "put me back in my body" in a recent Instagram post.
Sophia Bush, here at Global Citizen Festival 2023 in New York City, said the past year "put me back in my body" in a recent Instagram post.
Rob Kim via Getty Images

In August, People reported that Bush had filed for divorce from Grant Hughes after a little over a year of marriage. She has since been rumored to be dating retired U.S. soccer star Ashlyn Harris, though they have not publicly confirmed their romance.

Toward the end of the Instagram post, Bush also reflected on dealing with an illness.

“This year I slowed down; first because illness forced me to. Second because recovery required more stillness,” she said. “In that way both sickness and healing are a gift. For those gifts I am so grateful.”

Bush is presumably referencing the illness she had while working on a West End production of “2:22 A Ghost Story” in London. In July, she revealed in an Instagram post that she left the play after contracting a virus.

“After weeks of being intermittently pulled off stage & visiting multiple doctors, specialists, & an all nighter in the ER, I’ve been advised by my medical team in London & America to stop performing in order to get this under control & to do so in the country where I reside under the care of my own doctors,” she wrote in the post’s caption.

She said at the time that she was “crushed” that she had to leave the production, calling her cast mates “incredible.”


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